Sunreys Murals
Sunshine Reynolds
My journeyis complex, and involves details that could fill a novel. But simply put I am a passionate woman with an incredible past, that has helped me grow into the Artist and woman I am today.
In my youth as the oldest of 7 children I had the responsibilities of an adult, and quite a few hearts and lives I felt responsible to care for.
With the needs at home pressing on my single mother, schooling was not an option. Providing and caring for the family was the number one priority, and a lot of the left-over responsibilities fell on me. I learned many valuable things living this life. I learned that to love and be loved is the ultimate goal and that you can grow in confidence and skill simply by being heavily involved in the most important things. I was educated through true life skills, failure, pain, starting over, and never giving up when things seemed impossible.
When life would become more than I could bare, I would Draw, or Paint, or simply Create. I was no prodigy by any means, in fact I knew I wasn’t any good, but I sought it with passion and a desperate desire for the peace it was guaranteed to bring me.
As I grew into an adult my passion for Art grew, but establishing myself without an education was nearly impossible. So, I prayed. I waited, and God showed up big time. I was offered a mural job at a large faucilty that would in turn give me exposure to pursue my dream. Taking a leap of faith, I took the job. Within a couple of months, I had received multiple mural jobs which turned into a career that lasted over a decade.
I found such joy in this line of work and was able to contribute in a significant way, to the family income.
As a Wife, and Mother of two, being home for my family was a priority, so my business had to be flexible.
As the years continued I saw the need for murals fade… so I prayed, and waited, and again God showed up. My prayer consisted of “God, you gave me this talent, helped me grow, watched me fail, and helped me to succeed. I want to share this skill with others, to show them anything is possible, to love on them, to help them feel seen, and capable. Will you let me teach?”
Doors opened up everywhere. I have been teaching now for 6 years and am thrilled to watch new artists surprise themselves, learn how to let go, find peace, and explore imagination that is free of dos and don’ts.
My greatest Passion at this time is to show anyone I meet that they are special, important and capable.
And that withGod, all things are truly… Possible.